10x videos (approx 3 hours)
10x audio (approx. 3 hours)
1x PDF Q&A Workbook
Note: This product is digital only
From Paul: “I’m thrilled to be releasing my new SERVANT LEADERSHIP video series. I’ve never known a time at both the macro global level and the micro daily customer service level where an issue has ever been more pervasive.
We are experiencing a global revolution against all forms of non servant leadership and i for one am happy to be a part of it. We are sick and tired of a world that for generations has kept promoting people into leadership roles who were never servants in the first place.
You can bolt leadership onto servanthood later, but you can’t bolt servanthood onto leadership later. We want to be led by people who lead as they would want to be led, and serve as they’d want to be served. This video series has been a huge labour of love and it is my contribution to this massive human need that we all have of feeling appreciated and served by those who lead us.