Wisdom For Your Life, Leadership And Relationships.
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I wrote this book because I wanted to pass this baton of knowledge from my uncommon and happily introverted life to the emerging generations.
We have the power to turn everything around, and this ebook is my version of a Genius Bar of life hacks and fixes for you and others to get back on track after everything we’ve all gone through the past year.
This ebook condenses 64 years worth of lessons I've learned into 100 life-saving gems, including some dark nights of the soul.
I've broken 100 Secrets of My Progress ebook into 3 sections.
Too many people waste their potential by living small lives within the confines of their comfort zone, but I want to help you bring out the best in you, which this chapter is all about.
Leadership isn't a job; it's a role you play in life. So let's take a look at leadership in a way you never have before. In this chapter, I share with you my secrets for effective leadership and influence.
Relationships can be fulfilling and deeply meaningful, but knowing how to manage them to get the most out of them is an art. In this chapter, I share my secrets on utilising relationship dynamics for the benefit of everyone involved.