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Half Price: Growing Big People

Offer available for a limited time only. 

Session Overview - 

  • Top 10 observations of growing people 
  • Crisis of Human Flourishing
  • Reprogramming Our Belief System 
  • Becoming The Next You

What's Included?

8x videos (approx 3 hours)
8x audio files
1x PDF Q&A Workbook


From Paul: “Growing people has been my passion for over 30 years.

That passion is rooted in the belief that there is huge potential and even greatness laying dormant in most people’s lives. Without a coach a mentor or champion most people live all their lives never realising their incredible value.

Growing Big People is a brief but power packed seminar where I condense my 30 years of growing people down to four major discoveries.

What People Are Saying:

It has encouraged me to keep going on the journey (post-cocoon, not yet a butterfly...). I have found myself mulling on the ‘crisis in flourishing’ and about ingrained beliefs at the personal and macro level; challenging my own beliefs and what to do when spotting prejudice elsewhere. This has given me language and concepts to describe what I have been experiencing.

Debra C.

Thoroughly enjoyed it. Took full notes. Impact TBC – depends on how well I embed/use some of the things I have learnt.

Derrick W.

Wow, hard to say as I have so many notes. The content was all very good, with lot’s to digest. The piece around the education system was great and challenging as we have two children in primary school, the section around keep changing and evolving was great, belief system, process before the event etc. All very good.

Nathan F.